Grega Repovš

Grega Repovš

Professor of General Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
tel.: +386 1 241 1175


1999 - 2002 Ph.D. Cognitive Psychology University of Ljubljana, Department of Psychology
Dissertation: Computational model of dysfunctions of attention in schizophrenia

1997- 1999 M.Sc. Cognitive Psychology University of Ljubljana, Department of Psychology
Thesis: Semantic memory and visual attention in schizophrenia

1991 - 1996 B.A. Psychology University of Ljubljana, Department of Psychology
Thesis: Is consciousness equal to Global Workspace?

Academic and professional experience

Full Professor of General Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Associate Professor of General Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Assistant Professor of General Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Associate researcher, Cognitive Control and Psychopathology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Washington University in Saint Louis, USA

Instructor in General Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Consultant in the field of stress management and development of program of education in stress management, Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief


Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Cognitive psychology (2014-present)
  • Applied cognitive psychology (2012-present)
  • Introduction to psychology (2008-present)
  • Laboratory course in Cognitive psychology (2009-2017)
  • Laboratory course in Perception (1996-2004, 2008-2009)
  • Laboratory course in Higher cognitive processing (1996-2004, 2008-2009)

MEi:CogSci Middle European Interdisciplinary Master Programme in Cognitive Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Advanced Cognitive Neurosicence (2016-2017)
  • Cognitive psychology II (2014-2016)
  • Cognitive psychology (2009-2017)

Academy of fine arts and design, University of Ljubjana

  • Cognitive Psychology (2013-2017)
  • Psychology (2012-2013)

Department of Psychology, Washington University in Saint Louis

  • Cognitive neuroscience (2008)

Instituti Callegari Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Creative thinking (2003-2004)

Training Centre for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, Slovenia

  • Stress management for rescue workers (1998-2003)
  • Public relations for heads of regional offices for search and rescue (1998-2003)

Editorial service

  • Brain Communications, Associate Editor, 2019-present
  • eSinapsa, ISSN 2232-4178, Editorial board member, 2011-present, Editor 2013-present
  • Neuroscience 2006 139(1), Special issue on Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory Guest editor.
  • Psihološka obzorja [Horizons of Psychology], ISSN 1318-1874, Editorial board member, 1996-2005
  • Panika, ISSN 1318-8747, Executive editor, 1996-2004
  • Ule, A., Gams, M., Repovš, G. (2004). Cognitive science : proceedings A of the 7th International Multiconference Information Society IS 2004, 9-15th October 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Institut Jožef Stefan: Ljubljana.
  • Polič, M., Repovš, G. (2002). Spoznavni zemljevid Slovenije [Cognitive map of Slovenia]. Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete: Ljubljana.
  • Detela, A., Gams, M., Repovš, G., Ule, A. (2002). Cognitive science, proceedings C of the 5th International Multi- Conference Information Society IS' 2002, 14-18th October 2002, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Institut Jožef Stefan: Ljubljana.
  • Vodušek D.B., Repovš, G. (2001). Information society IS '01 : proceedings B of the 4th international multi- conference, 22-26th October 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenija, Cognitive neuroscience IS '01. Institut Jožef Stefan: Ljubljana.


  • Biological psychiatry
  • Brain Research
  • European Journal of Psychological Assessment
  • Horizons of Psychology [Psihološka obzorja]
  • Human Brain Mapping
  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
  • Journal of Neuroscience
  • Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
  • NeuroImage
  • NeuroImage: Clincal
  • Neuropsychopharmacology
  • Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging
  • Psychology Press / Routledge
  • Psychonomic bulletin and review
  • Schizophrenia Bulletin

Organization of meetings

SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '13
May 15–17 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenija.
[Programme committee chair]

SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '13
September 27–29 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenija.
[Organizing committee member]

SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '11
September 22–25 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Programme committee chair]

SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '09
September 26–29 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Programme committee chair]

SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '07
October 5–7 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Programme committee chair]

SiNAPSA Neuroscience Symposium
November 18–20 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Programme committee chair]

Cognitive science conference,
7th international multi-conference Information Society 2004
October 11–15 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Co-chair of the programme and organizing committee]

International symposium on memory
Ljubljana, 17. July, 2004.
[Programme comittee member]

Memos 2004,
IBRO Cognitive neuroscience summer school on working memory
July 10–17 2004, Bled, Slovenia.
[Programme committee chair]

Cognitive science conference,
6th international multi-conference Information Society 2003
October 13–17 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Programme and organizing committee member]

9th Conference on Facet Theory
July 20–23 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Organizing committee member]

Cognitive science conference,
5th international multi-conference Information Society 2002
October 14–18 2002, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Programme and organizing committee member]

Cognitive science conference,
4th international multi-conference Information Society 2001
October 22–26 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[Co-chair of the programme and organizing committee]

International Seminar of the states of the Central European Initiative on psychological aspects of disasters
September 21–22 2000, Ig, Slovenia.
[Organizing committee member]

Membership in professional organizations

  • Cognitive Neuroscience Society - CNS
  • European Dana Alliance for the Brain - EDAB
  • Federation of European Neuroscience Associations - FENS
  • FENS Kavli Network of Excellence (member 2014-2018, alumni 2018-present)
  • International Brain Research Organization - IBRO
  • Psychonomic society
  • Organization for Human Brain Mapping - OHBM
  • SiNAPSA, Slovenian Neuroscience Association (founding member, secretary 2003 - 2008, president 2008 - 2012, past-president 2012 - present)
  • Slovenian Association for Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurology
  • Slovenian Cognitive Science Society (founding member)
  • Slovenian Psychological Society
  • Society for Neuroscience - SfN

Invited talks

March 2024 - Acquiring competences in the age of generative artificial intelligence, The power of digital teaching, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.

March 2024 - Functional networks of the brain, Neuroscience seminar: addictions, Ljubljana, Slovenia

January 2024 - Study of cognition as a study of brain networks, NetSlo'24, Ljubljana, Slovenia

October 2023 - Acquiring competences in the age of generative artificial intelligence, Infoversum, Koper, Slovenia

October 2023 - Ethics in Research, Intersections between Ethics, Integrity and Gender in Science, SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia

September 2023 - Advances in the use of resting state data for clinical application, SiNAPSA neuroscience conference 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

March 2023 - Intimate dance of language and working memory, Brain Awareness Week, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

November 2022 – Qu|Nex Basics, ABCD Image Analysis Workgroup, online meeting.

November 2021 - Ethical Aspects of Research Involving Human Subjects, University of Ljubljana Webinar.

April 2021 - Integrating research ethics review and practices in the university setting: Incentives, percesptions, and experiences in Slovenia, LERU CE9 Research ethics online seminar.

June 2020 - High-throughput processing and analysis of MR data, COGDEC Summer school 2020 - Advancing the knowledge in EEG and brain imaging methods, June 22-26 2020.

November 2019 - Update on the neuroscience of memory: Stress, creating and erasing memories, Science on the Road, Kranj, Slovenia

June 2019 - Bridging the gap(s), Mei:CogSci Annual Conference 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

April 2019 - Pharmacological fMRI as a new method to study drug activity in the brain, Symposium on the Management of Resistant Depression, Portorož, Slovenia.

April 2018 - Neurocognitive basis of schizophrenia: Towards understanding of dysfunction of brain integration, FENS-Kavli network of excellence annual meeting, Chicheley Hall, UK.

March 2018 - Biomarkers of depression in treatment selection, Brain Awareness Week, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

March 2017 - Along or across? How and why to disassemble the brain into its functional parts, Brain Awareness Week, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

October 2016 - Functional connectivity: Towards understanding brain integration in health and disease, Centre for Cognitive and Neural Systems, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

September 2016 - Neurocognitive basis of schizophrenia: Towards understanding dysfunction of brain integration, 7th International Congress of Psychology, Kranjska gora, Slovenia

November 2015 - Functional connectivity: Towards understanding brain integration in health and disease, Roche Young Leaders of Academic Neuroscience, Roche, Bern, Schwitzerland

June 2014 - Networks of the brain, Section for Clinical Neurophysiology at Slovenian Medical Association, Ljubljana, Slovenija.

June 2014 - Brain and intelligence, Brain: The Inside Story, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

May 2014 - Brain and training: Myths, legends and reality, Brain: The Inside Story, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

May 2014 - Brain and personality, Brain: The Inside Story, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

January 2014 - Learning to learn: What does brain teach us, The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia Workshop on Teaching How to Learn, Kranj, Slovenia.

December 2013 - Functional networks of the brain underlying flexible cognitive control, Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, New York, ZDA

October 2013 - Forgeting: the path to good memory, Science on the streets, Ljubljana, Slovenia

September 2013 - NMDA receptor function in large-scale anticorrelated neural systems with implications for cognition and schizophrenia, Presentation of extraordinary research accomplishments of Slovenian scientists in the area of medicine, Slovenian research agency, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

March 2013 - The winding road towards understanding of the brain: The development of neuroscience, SiNAPSA Brain Awareness Week

December 2012 - Functional connectivity of amygdala in early onset depression, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

September 2012 - Neuroimaging working memory, The 10th Alps Adria Psychology Conference, 27-29 September, Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy

September 2012 - Working memoy: A multimodal medeley, PNP Seminar, Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

September 2012 - Dysconnectivity in schizophrenia - Novel methods and findings, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, USA

May 2012 - Cognitive neuroscience: Looking into the brain to understand the mind, European Accounting Association 35th Annual Congress, 9-11 May 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia

January 2012 - Cognitive neuroscience of memory: Novel insights, The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

January 2012 - Working memory: A multimodal medely, SiNAPSA Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia

October 2011 - Learning to learn: What does brain teach us, The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia Workshop on Teaching How to Learn, Kranj, Slovenia.

June 2011 - From phrenology to the study of brain integration, SiNAPSA Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia

March 2011 - Brain training: Myths, legends and reality, SiNAPSA Brain Awareness Week, Ljubljana, Slovenia

March 2011 - Assessing awareness and communication with unresponsive patients, SiNAPSA Brain Awareness Week, Ljubljana, Slovenia

July 2010 - From functional specialisation to functional integration: the why, how and how not of fMRI functional connectivity, Yale Stress Center, Yale University, New Haven, USA.

May 2010 - From functional specialisation to functional integration: the why, how and how not of fMRI functional connectivity, CIMeC Colloquium, Center for Mind/Brain Studies, University of Trento, Italy

March 2010 - Memory: Novel insights on remembering and forgetting, SiNAPSA Brain Awareness Week, Ljubljana, Slovenia

October 2009 - Introduction to functional connectivity, Invited lecture as part of Course on Neuroimaging Methods, Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

September 2009 - On working memory, magnets, monkeys and related, Slovenian Psychology Student's Association, Psychology summer school

October 2008 - The contribution of cognitive neuroscience to understanding of schizophrenia, 4th Slovenian Psychiatry Conference, 23-25 October, Maribor, Slovenia

July 2006 - Exploring task related connectivity using fMRI: From correlation maps to structural equation modeling, SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy.

University service

2021 - present, University of Ljubljana Research and development committee member

2018 - 2021, University of Ljubljana Ethic Committee Chair

2011 - present, Faculty of Arts Ethic Committee Chair

2010 - 2011, Department of Psychology Ethic Committee Chair

Doctoral committee member

Ivana Ilijašić Veršić (2018) - Primerjalna analiza upravljalskega odločanja v akademskem okolju [Comparative analysis of managerial decision-making in academic settings]

Karmen Resnik Robida (2018) - Vzorec kognitivnega nadzora pri bolnikih s parkinsonovo boleznijo [Cognitive control pattern in patients with parkinson disease]

Karla Oblak (2018) - Pomen shem nagrajevanja za oblikovanje referenčnih vrednosti in vpliv na odločitve o tveganjih in naporu [The role of incentive schemes on shaping reference values and influencing decisions about risk and effort]

Kristina Ozimec (2016) - Cognitive and social factors in intertemporal choice in the context of sustainable consumption

Matjaž Mihelčič (2016) — Kognitivna obremenitev in stres bližinskega vida [Cognitive load and near vision stress]

Anja Čuš (2016) — Profil spominske oškodovanosti po kirurškem zdravljenju epilepsije levega medialnega temporalnega režnja [Memory impairment profile after surgical treatment of left medial temporal lobe epilepsy]

Martina Starc (2016) — Vpliv čustvene nasičenosti dražljajev na delovni spomin [The effect of emotional saliency of stimuli on working memory]

Barbara Dolenc (2016) — Elektrofiziološki korelati kodiranja vrstnega reda informacij v vidnem delovnem spominu [Electrophysiological correlates of order encoding in visual working memory]

Simon Brezovar (2014) — Vpliv daljše izpostavljenosti veliki višini na vidno pozornost [Effects of prolonged high-altitude exposure on visual attention]

Dejan Georgijev (2014) — Nevrofiziološki korelati vidnega delovnega spomina v zgodnji fazi Parkinsonove bolezni brez demence [Neurophysiological correlates of visual working memory in early phases of Parkinson disease without dementia]

Jana Krivec (2012) — Kognitivno procesiranje informacij: primer igranja šaha [Cognitive processing of information: the case of playing chess]

Asmir Gračanin (2011) — Emocionalni procesi, osebnostne dimenzije in aktivacija parasimpatikusa [Emotional processes, dimensions of personality and activation of parasypathetic nervous system]

Domagoj Švegar (2010) — Detekcija sprememb emocionalnih izrazov obraza [Change detection of facial emotional expressions]

Doctoral advisor

Andraž Matkovič (ongoing) - Evaluation of test-retest reliability of dynamic brain connectivity methods in resting state

Nina Purg (ongoing) - Reprezentacije položaja v prostorskem delovnem spominu [Maintenance of individual features and integrated information in visuo-spatial working memory]

Vida Ana Politakis (ongoing) - Vzorec kognitivnega nadzora pri pacientih z depresijo [Cognitive control pattern in depression]

Anka Slana (ongoing) — Vzdrževanje posameznih lastnosti in integriranih informacij v vidno-prostorskem delovnem spominu [Maintenance of individual features and integrated information in visuo-spatial working memory]

Jurij Bon (2016) — Nevrofiziološki korelati motenj implicitnih in eksplicitnih procesov v delovnem spominu pri bolnikih s shizofrenijo [Neurophysiological correlates of implicit and explicit working memory processes dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia] (co-advisor)

Anja Čuš (2016) — Profil spominske oškodovanosti po kirurškem zdravljenju epilepsije levega medialnega temporalnega režnja [Memory impairment profile after surgical treatment of left medial temporal lobe epilepsy]

Martina Starc (2016) — Vpliv čustvene nasičenosti dražljajev na delovni spomin [The effect of emotional saliency of stimuli on working memory]

Barbara Dolenc (2016) — Elektrofiziološki korelati kodiranja vrstnega reda informacij v vidnem delovnem spominu [Electrophysiological correlates of order encoding in visual working memory]

Simon Brezovar (2014) — Vpliv daljše izpostavljenosti veliki višini na vidno pozornost [Effects of prolonged high-altitude exposure on visual attention]

Dejan Georgijev (2014) — Nevrofiziološki korelati vidnega delovnega spomina v zgodnji fazi Parkinsonove bolezni brez demence [Neurophysiological correlates of visual working memory in early phases of Parkinson disease without dementia]

Jana Krivec (2012) — Kognitivno procesiranje informacij: Primer igranja šaha [Cognitive processing of information: The case of playing chess]

Vita Štukovnik (2010) — Nevropsihološke in elektrofiziološke značilnosti kognitivnih sprememb pri bolnikih z amiotrofično lateralno sklerozo [Neuropsychological and electrophysiological features of cognitive dysfunction in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis] (co-advisor)

Nina Mohorko (2010) — Vezava FDDNP in kurkumina na agregate PrpSc in hiperfosforiliranega proteina tau pri izbranih nevrodegenerativnih boleznih [FDDNP and curcumine binding to aggreates of PrpSc and hyperfosforilated tau in selec neurodegenerative diseases] (co-advisor)

Master thesis advisor

Majoranc Kim (2018) - Povezanost feritina v krvi z izbranimi kognitivnimi sposobnostmi slovenskih vrhunskih športnikov [The relationship between blood feritin with selected cognitive abilities of Slovene athletes]

Šemrov Ana (2018) - Preverjanje skladnosti očesnih gibov in podanih odgovorov pri izvedbi Stroopovega barvno besednega testa [Eye movement and response correspondence in Stroop color-word test performance]

Frelih Tisa (2017) - Elektrofiziološki korelati vzdrževanja in integracije zaporedno prikazanih dražljajev v vidno-prostorskem delovnem spominu [Electrophysiological correlates of maintenance and integration of successive stimulus presentation in visuo-spatial working memory]

Andraž Matkovič (2015) — Vpliv splošne in specifične utrujenosti kognitivnega nadzora na ustvarjalnost [The effect of general and specific exhaustion of cognitive control on creativity]

Kristijan Armeni (2014) — Merjenje berljivosti strojnih prevodov s sledilcem očesnih gibov [Measurement of readability of machine translations using eye-tracking]

Tuuli Irina Pöllänen (2014) — The influence of cognitive skills and team cohesion on player performance in Multiplayer online battle arena

Anka Slana (2013) — The effect of harmonic context on the perception of pitch class

René Seiger (2012) — The impact of long-term meditation on attentional engagement

Christoph Huber (2011) — Tracking the wandering mind: Establishing a non-invasive eye tracking method for detecting periods of zoning out while reading

Undergraduate thesis advisor

Uroš Tanevski (2016) — Povezanost varovalnih dejavnikov in dejavnikov tveganja s kognitivnimi funkcijami starejše populacije [Relationship of protective factors and risk factors with cognitive function of older population]

Saša Jerko (2016) — Vpliv entropije besed na obseg verbalnega delovnega spomina: Primerjava med slovenščino in nemščino [The effect of word entropy on verbal working memory span: Comparison of Slovene and German]

Aljaž Sluga (2014) — Katerim strategijam odločanja ustrezajo izbire v paradigmi nezavednega mišljenja? [Which decision making strategies underlie unconscious thought?]

Maša Širnik (2014) — Učinkovitost distraktorjev vidnega in prostorskega delovnega spomina [The effectiveness of visual and spatial working memory distractors]

Nika Jalšovec (2013) — Katere komponente so potrebne za izvajanje Voglove naloge delovnega spomina [The components involved in Vogel's working memory task]

Kristan Lea (2013) — Vpliv delovne terapije z glasbo na kognitivne funkcije obolelih s Parkinsonovo boleznijo [The effect of music work therapy on cognition in Parkinson's disease]

Iva Toni (2011) — Uspešnost vojaške enote in podobnost miselnih modelov njenih članov [The success of military unit and similarity of mental models of their members]

Anja Voljavec (2011) — Preverjanje vpliva lastnosti dražljajske situacije in posthipnotske sugestije na Stroopovo interferenco [Testing the effect of experimental design and posthypnotic suggestion on Stroop interference]

Matic Kadliček (2011) — Vpliv vira informacije in poznavanja področja na retrospektivno pristranskost [The effect of information source and existing knowledge on hindsight bias]

Simon Brezovar (2010) — Vpliv zavestnih in izvenzavestnih miselnih procesov na odločanje med multidimenzionalnimi alternativami [The effect of conscious and non-conscious mental processes on decision making in multidimensional choices]

Veronika Ručna (2009) — Vzorec kognitivne oškodovanosti pri bolnikih s Parkinsonovo boleznijo z demenco in brez nje [The pattern of cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson disease patients with and without dementia]

Martina Starc (2009) — Vpliv razpoloženja in motorične akcije približevanja/umika na hitrost iskanja izstopajočih obraznih izrazov [The effect of mood and approach/avoidance motor action on speed of facial expression search]

Martina Barat (2009) — Vpliv psihofarmakoterapije na kognitivno inhibicijo pri pacientih z bipolarno motnjo razpoloženja [The effect of psychophamacotherapy on cognitive inhibition in patients with bipolar mood disorder]

Lea Mencinger (2009) — Pomen dražljajske in dražljajsko-odgovorne (ne)skladnosti pri oblikovanju Stroopove interference [The role of simulus and stimulus-response (in)compatibility in Stroop interference]

Špela Žabjek (2009) — Kvaliteta življenja bolnikov s Parkinsonovo boleznijo [Parkinson disease patients' quality of life]

Anja Čuš (2008) — Uporaba testa razvrščanja zdravil v ocenjevanju izvršilnih sposobnosti pri bolnikih s Parkinsonovo boleznijo [Use of Medication Scheduling Task in assessment of executive abilities in patients with Parkinson disease]

Franja Žišt (2008) — Primernost Sternbergove naloge in testa Londonski stolp pri ocenjevanju izvršilnih sposobnosti bolnikov s Parkinsonovo boleznijo [Validity of the Sternberg task and Tower of London test in assessment of executive abilities of patients with Parkinson disease]